Forest Valuation Service:A range of methods have been developed to estimate the total economic value of forests, including both marketed and non-marketed benefits. These include valuation using market prices, surrogate market approaches, the production function method, stated preference and cost-based techniques.Clients require valuations for a variety of purposes – typically for probate, for tax planning or as part of a portfolio valuation exercise.
An initial discussion is required to ascertain the purpose of the woodland valuation and background data on the woodland. Following this, background research is completed and the property is inspected by one of our team. Factors affecting the final valuation are noted and included in the report.The draft report is discussed with the client before the final report is issued.
GIS and Mapping
UTGA offers world-class custom Forest Valuation services using GIS to handle your specific geographic projects and challenges. Many organizations don't have extensive in-house mapping expertise and infrastructure because it's not central to their mission and because maintaining GIS (Geographic Information Systems) capacity is expensive. That is why UTGA leverages years of GIS expertise to handle everything from large one-time projects to ongoing spatial data processing, such as;
- Custom Boundary Creation
- Point Geotagging/Point-In-Poly Services
- Spatial Data Processing and Maintenance
- Online Spatial Services
- Data analytics, modeling and scores
- Forest Valuation and timber inventory
- GPS Device

Uganda Timber Growers Association (UTGA) is currently undertaking a restoration project of 1.000 hectares in West Bugwe Central Forest Reserve (CFR) in Uganda. This involves the establishment and maintenance of indigenous tree species of Khaya Anthotheca, Maesopsis emini, Terminalia superba, Cynometra alexandri, Prunus Africana and Markhamia lutea, among others, under a carbon sequestration program. UTGA in partnership with Fairventures Worldwide is also working to restore 1,000ha in Jubiya CFR, Masaka.